Highlights of our First Month Online

11/1/99 - After literally hours of work by several very creative people with nose rings and tribal tattoos, we had a successful Site Launch

11/2/99 - After literally hours of work by several tech people, many of whom could speak conversational Klingon (but not English), we had a successful Server Crash Recovery

11/3/99 - After literally hours of work by several outside consultants (who we figure must be really smart because they smile knowingly and cost a fortune) we had our second Server Crash Recovery

11/10/99 - After literally hours of work by several people who use buzzwords in place of conventional language, we sold our First Ad Banner (well, acutally, it was a banner swap deal with a site that we think has something to do with French Culture)

11:47 a.m. - After literally weeks of waiting by all of us, we had our First Visitor (someone named big_one@ stalker.com who immediately clicked our banner to learn about French Culture)

11:52 a.m. - We sent out a Press Release announcing our 100% click-through rate.

11/28/99 - We project huge increases in traffic real soon now.

12/23/99 - We project huge increases in traffic real soon now.

1/7/00 - Someone in purchasing asked why we have a web site anyway.

1/8/00 - Someone in HR said, "Yeah, what's the point?"

1/9/00 - One of the nose ring guys said, "You know, off the record, we may have been a little optimistic in our projections."

1/19/00 - One of the Tech guys added, "ngaQ lojmIt'"

2/17/00 - After literally hours of work by several people, we developed our Content Plan

2/19/00 - We project huge increases in traffic real soon now.

2/19/01 - We project huge increases in traffic real soon now.

2/19/02 - We project huge increases in traffic in '03.

2/19/03 - We project increases in traffic in '04.

2/19/04 - We project some increase in traffic in '05.

2/19/05 - We project minimal traffic loss in '06.

2/19/06 - We predict rain in '07.

2/19/07 - We believe the best is yet to come.

2/19/08 - Anybody out there?