Satirical animations based on the remarkable life of Hugh M. Hefner
I scripted these as well as doing the Flash animation, creating the sound effects and composing the music. I had intended for my voice to be temporary in hopes that Mr. Hefner would be willing to provide his own voice but he felt that mine worked fine. (Perhaps our Chicago accents were sufficiently similar to his ear.)
These short animations were popular and led to development of several animated ads for Jack Daniels and other sponsors. In addition, Mr. Hefner projected them onto the ceiling at several of his mansion parties.
The Billiard Room
Hef's Tailgate Party
The Dining Room
Hef in Space, Part 1
Hef in Space, Part 2
Dr.Hefenstein, Part 1
Dr.Hefenstein, Part 2
Animated holiday cards for Playboy Enterprises, Inc.
I designed the Flash animation and added music to these cards. (The original printed cards upon which these were based were done by another excellent Playboy designer, Len Willis.)
PEI Holiday Card 2007
PEI Holiday Card 2005
PEI Holiday Card 2004
Animated Ads for
These ads were run as pre-stitials on They were the first ads on the Web to load before the page content and, as such, attracted a great deal of attention in the online advertising community.
The Simple Life
Jack Daniels
Mardi Gras
Southern Comfort
How far will you go?
Chromium Blue TV series
on Showtime
Love at First Sight
Mini Cooper Pre-stitial Ad
Ape Silverback Personal Project
Ape Silverback is a successful upper manager who feels that, though he lives a very comfortable life and has all the trappings of middle-class success, he has somehow missed something essential about what it means to be alive.
Ape Silverback
A reasonably nice guy. And talented.